Favorite | th

Der gebürtige Essener Favorite lernte schon in seiner Kindheit, dass sich Dinge im Leben ganz plötzlich radikal ändern können. Als er 12 Jahre alt war, verstarben beide Elternteile bei einem tragischen Unfall. Favorite musste daraufhin einen Großteil seiner Jugend in Waisenhäusern verbringen und wurde natürlich durch diese Zeit sehr beeinflusst. Er musste sich alleine durchschlagen und sammelte viele Erfahrungen, die ihn geprägt haben. In dieser Zeit kam auch der erste Kontakt mit Rapmusik zustande. Er merkte schnell, dass er einfach rappen muss und so entstanden im Alter von 15 Jahren seine ersten Texte und Aufnahmen. Über Umwege geriet Favorites Demotape...
Favorite Blue was a Japanese popular music group till they split in 2002. Takashi Kimura then became the Producer and composer of M.o.v.e. Maya Matsuzaki left Avex and formed mamy drop. Main Members Maya Matsuzaki Takashi Kimura .
New York City, USA Your Favorite Martian comes from YouTuber Ray William Johnson, best known for his show =3 and Breaking NYC. He currently resides in Los Angeles. His first single, "My Balls", was released on January 26, 2011, and was lauded by fans. Official website: http://www.raywj.com Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Yourfavoritemartian YOUR FAVORITE MARTIAN PROJECT SUSPENDED. .
When Alex Foster (vocals), Jeff Beaulieu (guitar), Sef (guitar), Ben Lemelin (bass), Miss Isabel (vocals and keys) and Charles Moose Allicy (drums) got together to form Your Favorite Enemies in 2006 in Montreal, they decided to manage every single aspect of the band's career based on their community values and their "do it yourself" attitude. Already known for their commitment towards human rights, mainly based on Foster’s role as a fervent spokesperson for Amnesty International and passionate youth speaker, the band found not only their very “people oriented” reputation, but also a very unique identity of being truly independent. Meanwhile,...
New York City-based My Favorite was Michael Grace Jr, Andrea Vaughn, Gil Abad, Darren Amadio, Todbot, and Kurt Brondo. The group, who formed in 1991, was an artful, depressed collective of pop innovators, hailing from Long Island but longing to be in Paris. Their songs are woefully romantic, cynical, clever, and sweet, capturing the sprit of the new wave: both the 80s music new wave scene and the French film new wave. The band officially called it quits in 2005 after releasing two LPs, several EPs, and 7" singles on Double Agent Records run by Peter Green. My Favorite's web...