Umkulu | th

Two didgeridoos, a saxophone, a groovy bass, all of which supported by african drums and percussion. UMKULU presents a sole universe, friendly high in colors, vibrations and emotions and moves the audience with their hypnotic loops. A fire-loaded Show!!! The idea of Umkulu germinated from the encounter on Australian land of three musicians (Mibel, Yo², Seb), who came in search of the origins of the Didgeridoo and of the Aboriginal culture. On the way back, they met Foe N'kolo Ayida who brought them the steady fat beat "à la Camer' " (Cameroon). B.b'R joined them in 2004 armed with his...
พบ 17 เพลง, ระยะเวลา: 01:39:58
Piste 2
Tribal Didg
Rain Forest
Green Frog
Piste 10
Piste 4
Piste 1
Night Trip
Yo2 Vision
Saxo Dingo
Piste 8
Piste 7
Piste 3