Advanced Art | th

Advanced Art from Tampere, Finland, are one of the pioneers of Finnish electronic music, originally active from 1985 to 1995. Musically the band evolved from the early synth pop demos to a more EBM or industrial direction. The creative core of Advanced Art consists of Jana (voice, lyrics) and Vince (machines, melodies). Other members were Pete aka Sam B, Otto A aka Auten, Jarkko Tuohimaa aka Factor, Reeta, and PW. Advanced Art was formed in 1985 when old pals Jana and Pete met Vince through a mutual friend. First demos were made under the name Abstract and some live appearances...
Emanuele and Fulvio met for the first time at parties in Italy. Both with the passion of creating their own beats they decided to begin creating music togheter and so Advanced Dealers was born. After a couple of years of hard work, spending days and nights in studio, finally they got a chance with Cenobite Records! But this is just the beginning and more beats are going to come soon! .
Advanced Chemistry is a German hip hop band from Heidelberg, a scenic city in Baden-Württemberg, South Germany. Advanced Chemistry was founded in 1987 by Toni L, Linguist, Gee-One, DJ Mike MD (Mike Dippon) and MC Torch. Nowadays, it is said that the original members of the Advanced Chemistry are the pioneers of German HipHop, although another hip hop band called "Die Fantasistischen Vier" has dropped two singles and one album on a major label in 1991. Several years after the founding, Gee One and DJ Mike MD left the group for realizing new dreams. Members include Toni L, Linguist, Torch;...
Advanced Sportswear is Dan Fox, Ashley Marlowe and Nathaniel Mellors. They are based in New York, Brighton (UK) and Amsterdam. Their debut album was recorded and mixed in 2 days in 2008 at the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam - a former military building now run as an artists' residency programme. Advanced Sportswear formed from the group 'Skill 7 Stamina 12', a project with a more explicitly post-punk frame of reference, compared to Fire Engines, Ludus, Gang of Four etc. This dissolved in favour of an increasing use of improvisation and noise as the group aged. There is no particular instrument commitment within...