横浜銀蝿 | th

YOKOHAMA GINBAE Official Band Name: THE CRAZY RIDER YOKOHAMA GINBAE ROLLING SPECIAL(1980 – 1983)T.C.R.横浜銀蝿R.S. THE CRAZY RIDER YOKOHAMA GINBAE ROLLING SPECIAL RETURNS(2002 – present )T.C.R.横浜銀蝿R.S.R. They are King of Rock’n Roll band in Japan more than 30 years. in 1979, Ran, Show, Johnny and TAKU formed the band. in 1980, the band debuted. the band disbanded in 1983. in 1998, Ran, Show and TAKU plays again. in 2003, the band has disbanded. in 2004, Ran suffered a stroke and miraculously survived. in 2005, Ran called for Show and TAKU,and the band plays again. Now the band is still playing. http://www.ranrecord.com/yokohamaginbae/...