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Chat is a French vocal pianist. Whose real name is Charlène Juarez started to compose. Two years ago, after years of studying piano, she decided to write songs in her mother tongue, french. Her music claimed the attention of the portuguese netlabel Merzbau and launched, through them, an online EP. Recently, a major record label - Capitol - offered her a contract with complete artistic control. At the moment, she's in Paris preparing her first major release... .
Take That are a band that originated in Manchester, England in 1990. The original members were Gary Barlow, Mark Owen, Robbie Williams, Jason Orange and Howard Donald. Between the band's first single release, "Do What U Like" and "Promises" in 1991 and their cataclysmic breakup in 1996 when Robbie Williams left the band to pursue a solo career in 1995, the BBC described Take That as "the most successful British band since The Beatles, beloved of young and old alike." Take That's dance-pop tunes and soulful ballads dominated the British charts in the first half of the 1990s. They released...
HATS A band consisting of two brothers from Ayrshire, Scotland https://www.facebook.com/wearehats https://soundcloud.com/wearehats http://johnandgarry.bandcamp.com/ Previously named John&Garry --Or-- This is an old profile for the band High Above The Storm - the new profile is here. Official High Above The Storm Site High Above The Storm on MySpace High Above The Storm on iLike[/ .
There are at least 5 artists of that name. 1) Phat aka James Cole, Czech MC from project "Supercrooo", one of best mc´s in the Czech Republic. 2) Japanese jazz-electronic band 3) Norwegian Hardcore-metalpunk band. Started as a duo instrumental band in 2006, but included bass and vocals in the spring of 2008 - http://www.myspace.com/phatasinphat 4) French Free-Jazz trio (the original creator of this entry in last.fm) - http://boubaker.net/PHAT 5) Hungarian rapper from Bloose Broavaz. .
phatmans after school(ファットマンズ アフター スクール) *phatmans;「phat」とはアメリカ英語で使われるスラング。『かっこいい』と言う意味が有り、phatmansは「かっこいい男の子達」という造語となる。バンド名は「放課後に輝くかっこいい男の子達」という意味である。 Members: ヨシダタクミ(Vocal, Guitar) ユタニシンヤ(Guitar) ヤマザキヨシミツ(Bass) ホンマアツシ(Drums) Biography: 2010年 北海道で結成。 2011年 5月 BUDDY RECORDSよりDebut Mini Album『phatmans after school』をリリース。 2011年10月 TOWER RECORDS期間限定pre-single『東京少年 / ナンバーコール』をリリース。 2011年11月 Major Debut Mini Album『ボクノバアイハ』でトイズファクトリーよりメジャーデビュー。 2013年 4月 Major 1st Single『メディアリテラシー』をリリース予定。 Message: 札幌在住、平均21歳の4人組。熊をまとった僕らの新たな冒険が始まる…。 すべての作詞・作曲を行うヨシダタクミが作り出す卓越したメロディー、グルーヴを持ったリズム、 そして詞世界(より繊細に、若者が抱える葛藤や大人への憂い、勇気、青さ、君と僕との約束、人間愛、そして時に文学的に…)は、 すべてのティーンネイジャーに捧げられたメッセージ。ロック、ポップ、アニメ、すべての要素を融合した、新世代を感じさせる『悪戯ポップスタンダード』。。 website: http://phatmansafterschool.com/ .