Kontraband | th

There are 3 bands with this name; 1st in Sweden, 2nd in the U.K. & the 3rd in Denmark... 1:Kontraband was founded in Gothenburg, Sweden early 2005 by Peter Hageus (vocals, guitar) and Daniel Mars (machines). The ambition was to combine the raw energy and spontaneity of a live rock band with the groove and hypnotic feel of programmed, machine-based music. The songs and lyrics drew inspiration from swedish post-punk, as well as more primal offerings. The primary target was always the stage, and Jörgen Oscarsson joined on bass and backing vocals in spring 2005. A live guitarist was recently...
Kontrabanda @ MySpace 1. „Kontrabanda“ (“Contraband”) is one of the most mysterious and unpredictable groups in Lithuanian scene. It was created in about 1990. Since 1993 it recorded five albums, but only one of them („Blūdas“ – “The Rampage; 1995, M.E.G.A. Records) was released “legally”. All other albums were released in minimal number of copies by unofficial underground record businesses – it came out later that none these businesses actually existed (Old Bones Records and others). The geography of group’s concerts is also unusual – from Gothenburg poetry festival to Somerfest of Conrad Adenauer fund in Berlin, form a bit...