Kenshi Yonezu (cover by Raon Lee) | th

Kenshiro is deep, afloat and catchy. Kenshiro is a purely sudorific party. Kenshiro is sushi for the ears. This Drum’n'Bass formation from Aachen offers a repertoire rich in variation that exhausts the whole range of the breakbeat universe: Dark,vigorous Drum’n'Bass - patterns, shimmering sound particles, that can also float in more ambient fields, labyrinthic rhythm lines, but also very straight stressed tuneful sections with an auditory-current pinch of pop appeal - the Kenshiro sound spectrum has no fear of contact, rather more facets. Especially on stage: Powerful, well fed basses which allow higher hit for the heart and the controller...
Faraoni so izolska pop-rock skupina, ki je kot protiutež tedaj slovitim Kameleonom nastala leta 1967. Ustanovil jo je bobnar, skladatelj in besedilopisec Nelfi Depangher. Skupina je najprej igrala psiho in hard rock glasbo. V 60-ih je skupina posnela malo vinilno ploščo z uspešnicami Figov List, Berač. Leta 1972 je skupina zaradi odhoda članov v tujino za osem let prekinila delovanje. Ponovno so se združili v nekoliko prenovljeni postavi leta 1980. Nastopali so po celem svetu in spremljali jugoslovanske zvezde pop estrade, kot na primer Terezo Kesovijo in Oliverja Dragojevića. Na začetku 1990-ih so se preizkusili v avtorski glasbi in zmagali...
The Blankenship Brothers are a bluegrass band consisting of Floyd Blankenship and Dennis Blankenship. Floyd was born in Lafayette, TN on April 9, 1929. He started Blankenship Brothers with his brother Dennis in the 1950s and they had a record label called Skyline. They released singles between 1959-1960 and released one full-length album called Blue Grass & Rockabilly Kings From Indiana. In 1959, the song Mary made it to the top 10 nationally. Floyd Blankenship died on November 9, 2011. .
There are at least two bands working under the name Oakenshield, a Brazilian pagan/folk metal band and an English folk/viking metal. The Brazilian Oakenshield was formed in 2004 as a one-man-project by Lord Caronte (Velho, Flageladör, Ymber Autumnus, Dark Forest (Bra)). The band has released a 7 tracks demo-tape called "Forgotten Tunes" in 2008 via Stunde Des Ideals (Ger). Their current status is unknown. The story of Oakenshield (UK) goes back to 2004, when Ben Corkhill began writing music under the banner of Nifelhel, releasing two self-produced CDs. In 2007, a name change and new approach to songwriting breathed new...