Petra+Marklund | th

Official Site: After graduation started her career as Petra Scheeser singer and lyricist of the German pop group WIND ("For All ", "Let the sunshine in your heart"). The band has performed in over one hundred television shows, published seven LP's, and twice finished in second Place at the international "Grand Prix de la Chanson € vision. After millions of record sales and high chart positions, the singer left the band late '92, to realize their own projects. Since 1991 Scheeser working on his own German and English songs with the composer and keyboardist Oliver Hahn. From this fruitful...
Goffredo Petrassi (July 16, 1904 – March 3, 2003) was a leading Italian member of the second generation of modernists. In the English-speaking world, his contemporary Luigi Dallapiccola has been better known. However, in his own country, Petrassi, who took robustly Stravinskian and Hindemithian neo-classicism as the starting point for a long, varied, creative journey that continued into the early 1980s, was just as highly regarded. After Dallapiccola's death, he became the grand old man of Italian music. He was born at Zagarolo, Italy. At the age of 15 he began to work at a music shop to supply his...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Perpetrators are a rock and roll / blues band formed in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in the late 1990s. Currently without a permanent drummer, they are J "Howik" Nowicki (guitar, vocals, drums, bass) and Ryan "ODL" Menard (bass, vocals, guitar). Their best known songs include "Six Pack" and "She Lets Me Know." Past members include Scotty Hills, Chris "MAMA" Bauer, Chris Carmichael and Chris Saywell (currently with D.Rangers). They have played back up for Hubert Sumlin, Louisiana Red, Paul "Wine" Jones, Downchild Blues Band, "Wild Child" Butler, Jim Byrnes, Kenny Brown and Cedric Burnside, as...
Petra Magoni began singing in a treble voice chorus and later and for many years, she has been experiencing various kinds of music in vocal groups. She studied singing at the Conservatory of Leghorn and at the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Milan, specializing in ancient music with Alan Curtis. Over the years, she attended seminars held by Bobby McFerrin, Sheila Jordan (improvvisation), Tran Quan Hay (armonic and diphonic singing), King’s Singers (vocal ensemble). After practising ancient and opera music in the company of Teatro Verdi of Pisa, she came to the rock music with the pisan group Senza...