殞煞 | th

พบ 25 เพลง, ระยะเวลา: 02:42:39
慟嘯 Wailing Wrath
慟嘯 Wailing Wrath
殞殇 Desperate War
Vengeful Spectre 殞煞 - Wailing Wrath 慟啸
鏖戰 Storming Insurrection of War
哀忿 Despair and Resentment
暗雲 Beneath Dark Clouds
Wailing Wrath 慟啸
肅弒 Rainy Night Carnage
破軍 The Expendables
殞殤 Desperate War
幽夢 Abyssal Nightmare
06 - 哀忿 Despair and Resentment
凶山 Ghostly Mountains
哀忿 Despair and Resentment
05 - 肅弒 Rainy Night Carnage
殇刃 Broken Blade
慟啸 (Wailing Wrath)
破軍 The Expendables
01 - 破軍 The Expendables
赤塵 Blood and Ashes
02 - 殞殤 Desperate War
歸隱 Hermit