Deviation | th

'DEVIATION' can refer to one of two bands: - Belarusian band formed in Hrodna in August of 1993 - Polish band formed in Katowice in 2009 - DEVIATION was formated in 2009 in Katowice, PL. They've played thier first gig in the end of October. - They have recorded their first demo cd "PSYCHO" in 2010. - Vocalist WojtasS has left DEVIATION in 2011. In the same year DEVIATION found new vocalist Tasman (Beerhead, Sociopathy, Devon). Tasman has played one gig with DEVIATION, and he left the band. At the end of the year, the band found new vocalist Ev....
Deviations Project was formed in 2006 by composer Dave Williams and violinist Oliver Lewis in the UK. Their debut album is "Deviations Project." Their music is a blend of electronic based orchestration and the simple & pure tones of the violin. They are not Bluegrass; which apparently seems to be a confusion within If you try to sample Deviations Project and hear Bluegrass; please disregard while their tech support resolve the confusion. Thank you. The Deviations Project is a progressive look into many of the most delicate and famed compositions in history, merging skillful performance with modern electronic production....
พบ 189 เพลง, ระยะเวลา: 22:51:53
Standart Deviation
9. Твой бацька фашыст
забі мяне мент
Калi Лука здохне
Бeларуская вoсeнь
Сістэма РБ
11. День победы
8. Восень. Верасень.
Guerrilla Urbana (Basowiszcza Live - 2003)
Эўрапeйскiя Апачы
Сэкс з прэзiдэнтам
Апoшняе лeта
Будущим врагам государства
Guerrilla Urbana
Здрайца (Basowiszcza Live - 2003)
Басовішча 2003
Эўрапейскія апачы
Ябаш Ваенкаматы!
Жыць У Дзяржаве (cover Dezerter)
Сустрэнемся на барыкадах
сістэма рб
Уступ да Guerilla urbana
Будучым ворагам дзяржавы
Хуй вам!
Joy Deviation
Здрайца (live)
Восень. Верасень.
400 (400 Vocalist World Record Track)
Погляд в ніч
думай самастойна
грамадзянская вайна
Твой бацька фашист
Дзень пабеды
(Памяцi Фанi Каплан) 917
Луч солнца золотого
З разьбiтага шкла