Entrench | th

Entrench is a Thrash Metal band from Västerås, Sweden. Current releases: 2006 - Untitled (Demo) 2006 - Demo 2006 (Demo) 2007 - Into Oblivion (Demo) 2008 - Trails Of Death (Demo) 2009 - Demo 09 (Demo) .
The album Preemptive Strike actually belongs to the band Entrenched (USA) of the same name but from a different country. They have another page under Entrenched (USA) to clarify. Entrenched emerged from the trenches of New Jersey when Sean and Charles started jamming together in September 2009. Once songs started being written nonchalance turned into brutality par excelance. Like munitions manufactured in times of war; riff after riff, song after song, Entrenched wrote with skill, passion, and precision . The recording campaign of the first full length began in November 2009 and carried on into the spring of 2010. It...