Twisted Halo | th

Shalom byla česká kapela hrající v letech 1992–1996 (některé zdroje uvádějí konec skupiny v roce 1994. Tvořili ji Petr Muk, Petr Kučera a Petr Hons, kteří spolu působili již v českobudějovické skupině Oceán, jenž se rozpadl v roce 1993. Trio hudebníků doplňovaly vokalistky Jana Benetová, Jana Feriová a Jana Badurová. V období po sametové revoluci, kdy existovala skupina Oceán složená ze spolužáků základní školy, se její dva členové bratři Dušan a Jan Vozáryové odmítali nadále podílet na produkci písní, které byly stylově jednoduché a neodpovídaly zaměření produkce skupiny. Došlo k dohodě, že nebudou zařazeny do repertoáru kapely, ale že je...
Twisted is the home of five artists: 1. A garage-punk/emo band from Leeds, UK (pictured): 2. Metal act from Switzerland 3. A five-piece from Bristol, UK: 4. Dutch three-piece rockband: 5. German dubstep producer Christian Murariu, also known as Twisted and Goldfinger. One fourth of dubstep group Dutty Dubz. .
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Halo of Flies was a noise rock band from Minneapolis. Named after an Alice Cooper song, Halo of Flies was formed in 1986 by Tom Hazelmeyer, John Anglim and Tim Mac. Over the next 5 years they released a series of 7 inch singles and mini LP’s starting with a limited edition, hand numbered single called “Rubber Room”. These singles were released on Hazelmeyer’s label Amphetamine Reptile Records and were later compiled on a CD (Insect Music for Insect Minds) in 1991. Sales of Halo of Flies records was assisted...
It's 1:23 a.m. on June 8, 2011, where I am now, which means it's 4:23 a.m. on Long Island, New York. Exactly six years ago, in a quiet parking lot, you may or may not have found me asleep inside the van in which I was living. I was a waiter - often working late and usually going out for a couple of beers after my shift. Some nights, I could catch a shower at the 24-hour gym near work. On others, I would settle for a wipe-down with wet napkins and brushing my teeth with a cup of water....
Twisted Sister is an American heavy metal band from Long Island, New York, United States popularized in comedic music videos on the television channel MTV in the 80s. Although formed as a David Bowie-inspired rock band by guitar player Jay Jay French in 1973, the band's style shifted to a more strident, aggressive metal-influenced sound when frontman Dee Snider joined the band and took over songwriting, leading to the creation of fan-favorite songs such as "I Wanna Rock", "We're Not Gonna Take It", and "Under the Blade". They fused the shock tactics of Alice Cooper and W.A.S.P., the rebellious mood...