Anatol Vieru | th

Anatolian Wisdom Biography - 2012 Anatolian Wisdom was formed in 2004 by guitarist and song writer Hanephi . The band released their first album “Towards the Darkness of Anatolia CD” in 2005. This album was recorded at the Art institute studios. The lineup was Hanephi(Guitars), Sanguis Morbis(Vocals), Magnus(Drums) , Kaos Occults(Bass). In 2006 Caligulus Supremus joined the band as the lead guitarist. After playing several gigs with this lineup, Anatolian Wisdom entered to Fiasco Brothers Studios to record their second album “Where the Iblis Dwells” In 2007 the band released a promo demo CD , that consisted tracks form the...
If you have any respect for the artists who produce the music to which you listen, please use their names to tag tracks, not the names of albums, etc. .
Anatoly ICE is a break-beat DJ who has Bob Marley’s tracks in his playlists, a house DJ obsessed with funk and soul, a hip-hop DJ crazy about Beck and Bjork. Mixing different genres together, wiping the rims out, in modern electronic vibes of traditional funk of 70’s. 45s addicted record collector, promoter, beat digger and music lover. .
Anatol Atonal aka Tollpatsch He grew up in Basel, Switzerland and is gifted with a horrible youth, and wonderful aftermath, and plenty of inspiration in between all those events. Producer of rhymes, poet to crocodiles, radio enthusiast, and founding member of Shalom Salon in 2006. He is active in any kind of field activity, so you might want to watch out for your backyard. Grenades are there to strike. .
พบ 3 เพลง, ระยะเวลา: 43:21
Anatol Vieru - Tara de piatra (1972)
Cello Concerto - III. Allegro assai
Țara De Piatră