No Nonsens | th

There are several bands known as Nonsense: 1) Nonsense is Croatian band, hailing from city of Požega. Their works include noisecore, thrash, hardcore, punk and grind influences. The story of Nonsense goes like this: First gera, kktz and chucha recorded 3 reh/demos which are now lost. at 1994 gera - guitar + vocals and kktz - drums + vocals recorded and released diy demo tape "always against". also appeared on some underground compilation tapes and "chards of civilisation" compilation 7''. started as chaotic noisecore going noise/grind, at "always against" including traditional balkan hardcore influence and at the same time being...
Born and raised in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the six individuals comprising Logical Nonsense have been a band since 1989. They began playing together in their early teens and - with no member changes - they have grown and evolved, creating a singularly unique, brutal style of hardcore. The drummer, Pat, says that being together as a band became a dominant force in their lives. He attributes their learning to play music together at such a young age to their closeness and dedication to each other and the music. Known for their fast, aggressive style, Pat says their music has...
I. Punk Rock quartet from Wroclaw - Poland represents fast, edgy but melodic Punk with female vocal and lives Baśka's lyrics. voc- Baśka bas- Owca guit- Jacek drums- Koza "Zespół Nonsens powstał w 1990r. we Wrocławiu jako sztandardowa kapela załoganckiej ekipy 'Grusza'. Początkowo działał pod nazwą 'Siła Strachu', którą zmieniono w 1995r. na Nonsens. Zmiana spowodowana była kilkoma czynnikami, z których najważniejsze to odejście z kapeli jednego z jej założycieli - wokalisty Szadoka oraz dołączenie do zespołu Baśki. Punk Rockowy kwartet z Wrocławia prezentuje szybki, ostry a zarazem melodyjny Punk z żeńskim wokalem i życiowymi tekstami Baśki." II. NONSENS hails...