Veneno | th

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A) Veneno fue un grupo musical español formado en 1975 e integrado por Kiko Veneno y los hermanos Rafael y Raimundo Amador. En 1977 se publicó su primer disco titulado como el nombre del grupo. Aunque no tuvo gran repercusión en su momento, actualmente es considerado por la mayoría de la crítica como el mejor disco de la historia de la música en español. En 1978 se disuelve el grupo. Hoy día el disco ha vendido ya más de 300.000 copias.

B) Veneno is a female artist born and raised at the tip of Texas. A bordering town to Mexico Brownsville is the place Veneno learned everything needed to succeed. As a young child Veneno always loved music and doing business. Being that in the music industry you need a little of both Veneno fit right in. Her debut album titled FIRST DOSE just dropped May 30th 2009 and album 2 is already being worked on. She does her own recording, mixing and even pressing she is a completely independent female coming up in the game so keep your eyes and ears open for this one. We appreciate everyones support keep checking in for more updates and listen to all the tracks! If you have a myspace check out Veneno's myspace follow the url -> .


