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The Shooters | th

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1. Heavy rock band from Spain

2. The Shooters were a Washington D.C., USA band of talent comprised of J.R. Royall, Robert "Scooter" Scott, "Stub" and "Ogre". The bands songs came from mostly a catalogue of songs brought by J.R. Royall. They had dreams of a CD, but it never came to be, though they had demos of songs available for download through http://mp3.washingtonpost.com. You can read a little more about the band, though now no more, at http://www.shootersite.com. According to this site, The Shooter's is no more. The site suggested that J.R. had a new band: Radio-TX in Dallas, but the weblink to that band was broken. Now there is a new weblink to a band called the Hot Rockin' Fonzies to be found on myspace: http://www.myspace.com/hotrockinfonzies .


