Onward | th

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There are two bands known as Onward:

1. Onward from Oslo was the first Norwegian straight edge hardcore band to release a record. The band was formed in the summer of 1990. Their 6-song debut 7" EP was released in 1991 on Crucial Response Records. In 1993 they released the full-length "In A Different Place" on the same label. Shortly after the band broke up but reformed in 1995. In 1997 they released their best-selling record, the "These Words Still Pray" 12" EP. Onward split up again in 1999. Members from Onward also played in Amulet, Contention, Washington Disease, Sportswear, Hands Tied, Sportswear, Damage Control, Enforcer, DieDieDie & Common Cause.

2. Onward was a power metal band hailing from the US. They formed in 2000 and split up in 2007. .


