Jack Cade and the Everyday Sinners | th

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Jack Cade has been walking the fiery road as a singer for the last 5 years. Born and raised during the 70’s in the Medway Delta, he grew up at a time when music, art, politics and creative expression where all thrown into the melting pot of Punk, and although times may have been a bit bleak, with high unemployment and the like, anything and everything seemed possible. His early years were spent jumping around, thrashing guitars and listening to punk and new wave, whilst early on he was inspired by the likes of the Clash, The Damned, Buzzcocks and a plethora of angry punk bands, his real inspirations were always found closer to home in the form of local heroes like The Prisoners, Billy Childish, The Dentists and The Claim. Medway was a good place to be in the 80’s.

These days you’ll find Jack in Reading living along the fiery road (Oxford Road), he finally found his voice in 2005, quite by accident, having rediscovered Johnny Cash when he heard ‘Man Comes Around’ being played between acts at the WOMAD Festival. Hearing that voice took him back to childhood days in his Grandparents kitchen on a Sunday afternoon when the radio would be pouring out old country tunes. That was instrumental in him taking his first foray into singing live, and having done it once and got away with it there was no going back. Playing wherever he could Jack has developed his own brand of Americana, Country and Folk with a rough and none to cultured edge, as he often says “I’ve always thought of myself not as a singer but someone who talks with style, and I write and play simple songs because that’s the way they come out”.

Having sorted the wheat from the chaff in his song writing, we have arrived at the release of his debut album, ‘This Fiery Road’ on Collision Music, featuring the full band backing of his ‘Everyday Sinners’. The nucleus of the band is formed of Tom Anderson (Guitar, Mandolin, Piano and Saxophone), Andy Goodchild (Drums and Percussion), Phil Berry (Bass), Andy Purcell (Hammond and Piano) and Ben Cox-Smith (Dobro Slide), also thrown into the mix have been some guest slots from Matt Holland (Brass), Tony Whennell (Clarinet), Richard Whennell (Piano and backing vocals), Chris Haigh (Fiddle) and Alex Anderson (Drums). .


