Eyal Maoz | th

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Eyal Maoz is an Israeli born American guitarist, bandleader, solo performer and composer. His music is described as a synthesis of rock, jazz and avant-garde, tinged with deep electronic and radical Jewish-middle-eastern music. John Zorn is quoted as saying “A cutting edge guitarist who combines the harmonic lyricism of Bill Frisell with the angst and skronk of Marc Ribot…keep your eyes and ears on this guy...[Eyal is] a vital member of the New York downtown Scene.”
He leads a number of original music ensembles including Edom, Dimyon, and Crazy Slavic Band. He also co-leads the Maoz-Sirkis Duet, the Maoz-Masaoka Duet (with koto player Miya Masaoka) and Hypercolor (with Lukas Ligetiand and James Ilgenfritz), and is a guest member of John Zorn’s Cobra.
Eyal’s ensembles have performed at major music festivals worldwide such as the Montreal International Jazz Festival, NYC 2007 Winter Jazz Fest, Brooklyn BAM Next Festival, Verizon Jazz Festival, the New York Jewish Music and Heritage Festival, Florida Music Harvest, The Jewzapalooza Festival in NYC and many more.
His music was featured in the movies Keepers Of Eden by Yoram Porath, Israeli’s Cinema History documentary by Raphael Nadjari, as well as at the MTV show “Undress.” WNYC/NPR recently interviewed him and dedicated a 90-minute program to his music.
Eyal started to explore jazz, rock and avant-garde music at an early age. He led the highly celebrated Lemon Juice Quartet which performed regularly at the Red Sea International Jazz Festival, released three original CDs and was heralded for their CD “Peasant Songs,” a version of Bela Bartokand Eric Satie’s music on Piadrum Records.
Eyal's collaboration with long-time childhood friend and drummer Asaf Sirkis, has resulted in two duo CDs; the most recent “Elementary Dialogues” released in June 2009 by Ayler Records (France).
His Jewish music acoustic ensemble, Dimyon, has earned critical acclaim after performances in Israel and Italy. .


