Dustynation | th

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Dustynation is a greek metal band from Thessaloniki. It was formed back in 2001 by Andrew (guitars), Dinos (drums) & Bill (bass). Later on 2002, Costas joined them on guitars & vocals. Finally, in the early 2004 Sefis (keys) joined the band.
Their music, combining solid and clear guitar play, various moods from the keys, an expressive rythme-section and vocals that range surprisingly, can be described as technical progressive Metal with some Death Metal influences in the vocals. Songs sound melancholic, but carry the essential strenght of their genre.
Their influences, according to their own opinion, are Metallica, Opeth, Pain of salvation, Paradise lost, Psychotic waltz, Death, Michael Jackson, Rush, Candlemass, Pussycat Dolls-or none of the above!
They recorded their debut album "Echoing Lullabies" in February 2010.
It was selected as Album of the Month, in greek Hetal Hammer magazine.

Band Members:
Cons Marg - guitars / vocals
Andrew Koran - guitars
Moszaic - bass
Dinius - drums
Serafim - keyboards


