Corsair | th

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There are three artists on with the name Corsair. The First is a Hardcore group, the second is a London based Composer and Sound Designer and the third is a 70's prog rock influenced traditional heavy metal band from Charlottesville:

1). Corsair is a mixture of raw musical passion, and pure human emotion. Armed with members influenced by a wide variety of music, The band has something to offer to all fans of all styles of music. With their debut EP already released (and now free due to a line up change), Corsair is already making a name for themselves playing with national acts, and opening listeners up to new genres.

The band is taking music head on to change the way the world hears, feels, and experiences music. Unlike many other bands, Corsair's recordings are in a way similar to their live show, the only difference is when one watches their live show, they can feel every note, every lyric, every drop of sweat hinting that Corsair is much more then a band. They are an extension of all that is drive, passion, and most importantly, music the way it should be.


2). Based in East London, Corsair began making cinematic electronic music on the Soundseasy imprint, but is now working as a Composer and Sound Designer.

3). From Charlottesville, Virginia, Corsair (signed to Shadow Kingdom Records) play a brand of traditional hard rock/heavy metal with great influence from 70's prog rock and early heavy metal bands such as Thin Lizzy. Their début self-titled album is available through SKR ( or the band's own bandcamp site; .


