Connery | th

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Connery is a rock band from Maine.

Currently Made up of:
Jake Marquis (Vocals, Guitar, Lyrics)
Josh Burkett (Drums, vocals)
Travis Mosley (Guitar)
and Matt Sohl (Bass, vocals).

Former Members:
Jeremy Holden(Drums/vocals)
Andrew Cash(Guitar)

They began in February 2007 first under the name Of These Gates. Their first show was at the Bridgton High School Battle of the Bands, since then they have made tremendous effort to integrate themselves into the local music scene. They acknowledge the fact that they will be placed in some sub genre of rock, no matter what they do. Connery possesses broad influences and inspirations that attribute to their music. They will play any gig; coffee shop,house party, no legion hall is too far away, no place is too small. In the summer of 2007 Connery recorded their first E.P "The Furthest From the Sea" which they released as a free download to fans. Which Include now fan favorites "Lost In Conversation" and "Match Me A Love". Connery embarked on an acoustic tour of New England in January of 2008; successfully gaining new fans all along the way. In the summer of 2008; Connery played shows all summer while working on their album.Connery is also released an E.P "We Can Never Go Back To Seaworld" in November as an online only release. Connery started releasing songs on their myspace starting in August the first of which "Your Voice Vs. The Speakers" was met with a positive fan reaction. Connery also made a music video for "Your Voice Vs. The Speakers
Connery's yet to be titled album set for a Summer 2010 release is produced by Alex Roy (Sparks the Rescue) and Nick Bilotta. With a new line up, a new approach, and new material Connery plans to expand and win over music fans world wide.

Connery Has Shared The Stage with: Four Year Strong, Farewell, Sparks The Rescue, Our Last Night, Lannen Fall,Keep Me Conscious, Cavander, Medicated Kisses, The Coming Weak,Too Late The Hero, The Killing Moon, The Minus Scale, The Sophomore Beat, Ecotone, Lions Lions, The Leftovers, and many many more. .