Cold Driven | th

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Cold Driven’s debut album, “Set In Stone” has established them as a fresh new force, revealing a multi-faceted group which thrives on creative exploration and escape.

Dennis, Shane, Billy, Ben and Bryn come from very diverse musical backgrounds, each bringing something individual to the table. Their self-taught talents were used as a way to express their emotions and aspirations; it was a natural progression that led to the birth of Cold Driven.

The band’s combination of heavy rock, laden with surreal ominous strains of pulsating beats with passive acoustic strumming, grabbed the attention of a wide audience when featured on Garage Band. The pieces selected by Garage Band from their debut album won them accolades such as Track of the Day, Track of the Week, Best Drums, Best Programming, Most Original, Best Lyrics, Best Male Vocals, Best Bass, Best Beat, and Rocking Track.

Most recently, “Bittersweet Casualty” took home the 2006 “Song of the Year” at the Scorpion awards in Vernon, B.C. with nominations garnered in 5 other categories, including Album of the Year, Male Artist of the Year, and Rock Artist or Group of the Year, Songwriter of the Year.

Cold Driven's strong work ethic, musical prowess and passionate vocals provide for a crowd capturing intensity, making them an addiction to the senses that keeps you coming back to listen again and again. .


