All Smiles | th

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Jim Fairchild is the singer/songwriter and general creator of All Smiles, his first solo outing after his days in the band Grandaddy. His debut record, "Ten Readings of a Warning" was made along with drummers Janet Weiss (Sleater Kinney, Quasi), Joe Plummer (Modest Mouse, Black Heart Procession, Magic Magicians), Danny Seim (Lack Thereof, Menomena), and Solon Bixler (Great Northern).

"Oh For The Getting and Not Letting Go", the new All Smiles album, was released Jun 30, 2009. The album was produced by Solon Bixler and Jim Fairchild, and played by the aforementioned duo with Nik Freitas and Joe Plummer in Omaha, NE and Los Angeles, CA. Mike Cresswell recorded and mixed the whole thing. It will be on most digital stores that you like (we hope), a few physical stores. Physically it exists on CD and Vinyl formats. No cassettes, but damn it's cool the Dirty Projectors are doing that! All CDs and Vinyl Records are hand screened and assembled by Jim, Natasha Wheat and Danny Seim.



