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There are at least 2 different artists with this name. 1. A rhythmic noise / IDM artist, published on Crunch Pod, Mechanismz and Das Bunker labels. Most released titles published during 2006. 2. Early Bogdan Raczynski Tracker music. He had just one "release" under this pseudonym called "Love Melodies Nintendo" which you can still find online on some pages. .
Empty House Cooperative, formed in Central Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, by David Michael Curry circa 1997, is a freeform improvisational collective centered around viola, cello, singing saw, horns, bass clarinet, guitar, electronics. Regular core contributors include Jonah Sacks, Craig Colorusso, Chris Brokaw, Thalia Zedek, and many others over the years including Brian Corr. Membership floats and ranges from solo to large ensembles, with instrumentation subject to change depending on who is playing. Live performances mainly consist of one extended piece that combines noise, drones, bursts of melody, and improvisation. .