masaki kawasaki | en

Ryo Kawasaki (February 25, 1947 – ) chose a career as a jazz fusion guitarist after spending some years studying as a scientist. During the 60s he played with various Japanese jazz groups and also formed his own bands. In the early 70s he came to New York where he settled and found steady work in very distinguished company, including the bands of Gil Evans, Elvin Jones, Chico Hamilton, Ted Curson and Joanne Brackeen. In the mid-80s, Kawasaki drifted out of performing music in favour of writing music software programmes for computers. He also produced several techno dance singles, forming...
Urban punk sounds from streets of Zagreb (Croatia). Discography: LP KAWASAKI 3P - 2003 EP MUPOV-SKA - 2006 LP IDU BUGARI - 2009 TOMFA - vocal, DEMIREL - trumpet-vokal, VIDUKA - guitar, BABKE - guitar, MARIO - bass, SHTEF - drums, PAVLICA - trumpet, STIPE - trumpet .
Cellist Helena Espvall and guitarist Masaki Batoh teamed up together for two acoustic albums, which style range from folk to classical and medieval music. .
Website: .
1. Masaki is an Australian born house music producer based in Sydney. 2. Masaki is a Japanese experimental & noise artist from the early '80s, who was working closely with the likes of Merzbow and Laxative Souls. He is also known as masaki eguti. 3. Masaki is a Japanese Bassist. 1993年JACKS’N’JOKER(BMGビクター)加入でメジャー・デビュー。解散後SHY BLUE(SONYレコード)を経て1997年にアニメタル(SONY~エイベックス~VAP)に参加。トータル100万枚のセールスを挙げる。同時にピンク・レディーの未唯を迎えてアニメタル・レディーの活動もあった。 2002年からは元聖飢魔IIのルーク篁、雷電湯澤と共にトリオ・バンドCANTA(VAPレコード)を結成。 セッション活動も豊富で、モーニング娘。、藤本美貴、上戸彩、相川七瀬、マーティ・フリードマン、AKB48など多種多彩に渡る。 ソロ・アルバムは1999年に櫻井哲夫、菅沼孝三、五十嵐公太、西山毅、島田昌典を迎えて「MODRN DAY CROSSOVER(徳間ジャパ ン)」をリリース。2006年にはTMスティーブンス、樋口宗孝、神保彰、そうる透、長谷川浩二、雷電湯澤、KATSUJI、淳士、山本恭司、マーティ・フリードマン、ルーク篁、DAITA、CIRCUIT.V.PANTHER、YUKI、Syuらを迎えて「UNIVERSAL SYNDICATE(エイベックス)」と2枚リリースしている。 ギター殺しの異名をとる、日本最高峰の超絶ベーシストである。 .
Found 21 songs, duration: 01:03:37
Here you are,
And so here I am.
Here they are,
Here we are,
A Great Diamond
Prelude in e-minor op.27
Spring snowflake flower
Spring Snowflake Flower