CodeRebirth | en

CodeRebirth is a visual kei rock band formed in January 2012 in Chiba, Japan. They released their first demo CD "In Corrupt Light" in February and held their first live on March 10 at Motoyawata ROUTE 14. They are now expanding their activities in the heart of the city. CodeRebirth will disband after their last live on April 2 2014 due to musical differences between the members. The band consists of: Keita (Vocals) 克哉 (Guitar) nobu (Bass) 竜之介 (Drums) Discography: 2012.02.14 In Corrupt Light [demo CD] 2012.11.13 Prophecy [Single] 2013.02.15 Resonance [Coupling CD with GHOSE] 2013.03.27 Eclipse [Single] 2013.09.11 Division...