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Сектор Газа ("Sektor Gaza", a Russian for "Gas Sector" and "Gaza Strip") was a well-known Russian punk rock band founded in 1987 in Voronezh. Apart from the band leader, Yuriy Nikolaevich Klinskikh (nicknamed Hoy), all other band members were replaced over time. The band's style of music can be described as melodic and experimental; the content varied from political songs to mystical songs about zombies and vampires, as well as interpretations of Russian folk songs and rock ballads. The band's name is apparently a homage to their home town, Voronezh, which people also refer to as "gas chamber". In one...
Zahar Borisovich May was born in Kharkov in 1969. He wrote his first song ("Holodilnik pust") in 1987. During 1988 - 2002 lived in USA. In 2002 Zahar May returned to Russia and created with Saint-Petersburg's musicians group "Shiva". Nowadays Zahar lives in Kharkov and often plays solo concerts. .
Группа ''Хуй Забей'' - одна из самых старых, ныне находящихся в добром здравии, андеграундных команд. Отсчет дней ее существования начался в 1989 году. Все альбомы группы, число которых стремится к пятнадцати, издавались на студии ''Popa Begemota Records'' (там же записывались и другие андеграундные панк- и рок'н'ролл-команды). Первые пластинки были дерзко социальными, в последующих политическая острота поутихла, но в каждой из них и по сей день тандем Карабаса (музыка) и Бигимота (лирика) выдает талантливейшие образы. Уместное, нережущее слух стебалово зачастую, но отнюдь не всегда с использованием ненормативной лексики, поражает фантазию слушателя оригинальностью тем: ''...Чтоб страну обеспечить мясом и мехом, а себе...
Zhanna Aguzarova (Russian: Жанна Хасановна Агузарова; b. 1962) is a Soviet and Russian musician and vocalist. She started her career as a part of the Браво (Bravo) ensemble, later leaving the group and focusing on a solo career. Aguzarova is known for her eccentric versatility, and is often credited as being one of the first and most popular female Russian rock vocalists. Aguzarova was born on 7 July 1967 in Turtas, Tyumen' Oblast of the then-Soviet Russia. She is of Russian and Ossetian heritage; not much else is known about her early life and education. Aguzarova moved to Moscow in...
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