Air Traffic Control | en

Two hours south of the Texas border in Monterrey, Mexico comes Control Machete. Pato, Toy Kenobi, and Fermin IV Caballero were destined to become Mexico's first Hip-Hop group. Their debut album "Mucho Barato" , released July 1, 1997 has sold well over 100,000 copies in Mexico alone and is selling well in the U.S. This album took Latin Hip-Hop to another level. In "Comprendes Mendes?" Control Machete laces Mexican riffs with hardcore Hip-Hop beats. Their political lyrics would make Rage Against the Machine's Zack De La Rocha proud. Tracks such as "Humanos Mexicanos" and "Mexican Curious" attack the United States...
Self Control was a post-punk band from London, UK. They released some singles and EPs which are now considered very rare. .
Williams Traffic is a Franco-American duet, whose patronymic member, Frank Williams, previously part of the electro-noisy-lounge group ZFO, left his mark at the label Source in the end of the nineties, when Nicolas Kantorowicz, used to be the Wampas bass player, before founding Sporto Kantès. Their first album ...And the fugitive was issued by Catalogue (BMG), in 2001. Enthusiastically received almost everywhere in Europe, specially with the first soundtrack La fugitive being intensively diffused, in England, in a TV clip featuring the football player Thierry Henry. .