Schloss Hauska | en

Schloss Tegal has existed since the 90s, recording conceptual albums that explore extreme and sometimes morbid subjects. The name comes from a castle outside of Berlin that was one of the first psychiatric hospitals. The castle was destroyed and the patients exterminated during WWII. Their CDs are a mixture of graphical information in the form of audio tapes, synthesizers and electronic sound, with forensic samples that resemble more an anthropological film or study rather than music per se. Schloss Tegal create what they call hyper-real sound or psychogenic sound (relating to the psychological/hallucination). The music is extreme and overpowering sound...
Author of Fast Food Nation and Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market. .
Found 31 songs, duration: 01:34:27
The Beginning
Dark Qabalah
Sid, Aos Si
Black Circle
Master is calling
Old traditions
Hill Of Ward
Brother Cain
Charm With Dust
Dancing around the skulls
Creed of faith
Arrive of Mefisto
Ride to Blocksberg
Witch's cauldron
Dead man's finger
Malleus Maleficarum