Grażyna Auguścik, Michał Urbaniak | en

Mika Urbaniak – vocalist, born in 1980 in New York. Daughter of Urszula Dudziak and Michal Urbaniak, both jazz artists. In her music she often combines jazz, hip-hop and R&B. Sings with Andrzej Smolik and as the only one sang on all of his LP’s, also performed with such musicians as: Szczesniak, Liroy, Markowski, Kayah, O.S.T.R. .
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Michał Urbaniak (born January 22, 1943) is a New York jazz musician and composer born in Warsaw, Poland, playing mainly the violin, lyricon and saxophone during concerts and recordings. He played a central role in the development of jazz fusion in the 1970s and 1980s, and has introduced elements of folk, R&B, hip hop, and symphonic music to jazz. Since Sep. 11 1973 lives in New York and Manhattan is his home. Recorded about 60 albums under his name in US and toured the world many time over including Asia, Europe, US & Canada. Recorded(Tutu)...
Michał Bajor urodził się 13 czerwca 1957 roku. Od najmłodszych lat mieszkał w Opolu, dorastał w atmosferze festiwali i teatru. Jego ojciec był aktorem w teatrze lalek i kilkuletni Michał często obserwował jego pracę. Jako mały chłopiec zagrał swą pierwszą w życiu rolę: został wilkiem w adaptacji Czerwonego Kapturka. W dzieciństwie uczył się także tańca i gry na fortepianie. Debiutuje w 1970 roku w eliminacjach do Festiwalu Piosenki Polskiej w Opolu. Miał wówczas trzynaście lat. Trzy lata później, po wygranym Festiwalu Piosenki Radzieckiej w Zielonej Górze, zaproszony został do udziału w XIII Międzynarodowym Festiwalu Piosenki w Sopocie. W latach 1975–76...
Grażyna Bacewicz (February 5, 1909 in Łódź – January 17, 1969 in Warsaw, Poland) was a Polish composer and violinist. She was the first Polish female composer to achieve national and international recognition. Her father and brother Vytautas were Lithuanian and used the last name Bacevičius, the other brother Kiejstut was Polish. Her father, Wincenty Bacewicz (lith. Vincas Bacevičius), gave Grażyna her first piano and violin lessons. In 1928 she began studying at the Warsaw Conservatory, where she initially took violin and piano classes, and graduated in 1932 as a violinist and composer. She continued her education in Paris, having...
Found 11 songs, duration: 57:57