Granada | en

There are at least 3 bands by the name Granada: 1. .granadA is a brazilian HC/alternative/pop band composed of Yuri Nishida (voice), Zé Nery (bass/voice), Léo Pinotti (guitars), Victor Balleste (drums) and Kauê Mazon (guitars). The members have made history yet in several bands (including Nx Zero, Glória, Box 10, Rev Grunje, Átona and Maorii Lótus), after formed .granadA in 2005, oficially. 'Terceiro Capítulo (655321)', the first album came out in november's 2006 by Sienna Music. 'the question isn't only about to play, but show to public that there's much more left to see than you already know. .grandA is...
Gary Granada is a public school tutor (University of the Philippines) of a masteral subject in Development Communications, board member to some organizations, union organizer, broadcaster, voice talent, and a musician, among many other things. Musically, he learned the ukulele at his father's insistence, learned how to play guitar proficiently as well, got up to grade one in piano, and never learned how to read music. He made a lot of compositions: topical compositions as well as advertising jingles; some becoming hits one time or another. He was born in 1960 in Maco Davao (Compostela Valley) to mother Cristina (dressmaker)...