Molotov Elysian | en

Molotov is a Mexican rock and hip hop band formed on September 23, 1995 in Mexico City. Their lyrics feature a mixture of Spanish and English, rapped and sung by all members of the group. Musically, Molotov blends heavy basslines, flamenco guitar riffs and turntable scratches. Molotov is often regarded the Latin response to Rage Against The Machine. Many songs, such as "Gimme Tha Power" and "Frijolero", are politically inspired. Addressing issues such as disenfranchisement within Mexico and immigration in the United States. .
Shrouded in an aura suitable for a band hailing from the mythical and legendary Greece, Melodic Black Metal band The Elysian Fields dwell on the misanthropic and the heroic. Tales of ancient struggles and bitter conflicts dominate their sound, which relies heavily on extreme tempo changes, ripping melodic guitars and ancient orchestral touches with the use of violins and piano. The Elysian Fields certainly sound like no-one else, alternating between hate-filled blast passages and mood driven reflective moments. The determination of the band can be judged by their rise from the obscure Greek metal scene, firstly with the obligatory demos...
Сольный проект Антона Уразова, в недавнем прошлом основателя культовых питерских индустриальных групп МОРЛОКИ, ЖЕЛЕЗНЫЙ КЛЫК, ЭЛИТА. Бескомпромиссно агрессивный некродрайв-коктейль на основе aggro-industrial, technohardcore, rhythm-n-noise, breakbeat, - грубо говоря, тяжелый индустриальный рэйв, в сопровождении брутального видео. Проект открыт в 2003 году, за прошедшее время состоялся ряд успешных концертов в Питере, Москве, Архангельске, Кирове, Крыму, Выборге, Казани, Твери, в том числе выступления с EINSTUERZENDE NEUBAUTEN, MONO NO AWARE, HYPNOSKULL, ASCHE, MORGENSTERN, совместные перформансы с арт-группами АРХИТЕАТР, МОЛОТ, REPUS TUTO MATOS. В 2007 году на лейбле Tesla (Indiestate promotions) выпущен первый альбом - «Mordance». «Ид Молотов - один из интереснейших представителей нового питерского...
The five members of The Molotovs follow the eloquent home grown pop lineage that runs from The Kinks to the Mystery Jets and combine it with their own love of poetry and fable, carving a sound that is jittery and yet oddly atmospheric. They write songs, which are both rousing and melancholic. The Molotovs consist of Will Daunt (vocals/guitar), Henry Walton (Guitar), Dom Millard (keyboards/guitar), Iain Lock (bass) and Guy Henderson (Drums) .
Found 4 songs, duration: 13:45
Hustler (Molotov Elysian Remix)
Hustler (Molotov Elysian Remix)
Today a Mountain Has Been Moved
Breath Before Water (short version)