Bestia | en

Roots of Bestia lie somewhere in the end of 90-ties, when Andres, who was already member of two metal bands, decided to form his own death/black metal side project with serious attitude and ambitious plans. The beginning was hard, but few rehearsals took place with different people, unfortunately there wasn't that "right" feeling about it. FIRST ERA All changed when Andres got message from young drummer, also called Andres. First rehearsals with him happened in February 2000 and this can be considered as founding time for Bestia. Soon other bandmembers were recruited (Tarmo - vocals, Reivo - bass) and in...
There are two bands under the name 'Bestial Devastation'. 1.) Black/Thrash metal from Finland. 2.) Bestial Devastation was a Deathgrind band from Italy. .
Bestial Summoning was a quite early black metal band from The Netherlands with two demos and a full length. The band was formed in 1991 and had quite a following in the underground scene in the beginning of the 90's. The full-length is fully dedicated to former Mayhem singer Dead, who committed suicide in 1991. In 2002 a compilation of old material was released through War Hammer Records. On the 8th of August 2008, Conscicide committed suicide on his 35th birthday. .