Tacomaniacx | en

Tacomaniacx is a solo grindcore act. The sole member is Wilhelm Valencia. Tacomaniacx has released one album titled, 'Grindcore Songs For Taco Lovers'. http://grindcorekaraoke.com/album/grindcore-songs-for-taco-lovers http://www.discogs.com/Tacomaniacx-Tacomaniacx/master/449620 http://soundcloud.com/tacomaniacx .
Found 20 songs, duration: 33:16
2011 - Tacomaniacx CDr
Hell After Mealtime
Dancing Tortillas
Cheese Party
Taco Flavoured Bitches
Eat Tacos, Kick Babies
Carnaval De Asesinatos
I Heart Tacos
The Party Is Over
Tabasco On My Tongue
Bienvenidos Al Carnaval
The Farm Of Pedro
Stomach Explosion
Taco Of Death (Extra Hot Sauce Cover)
No Tienes La Menor Idea
El Retorno Del Chupabrewski
La Culebra Venenosa
At War With Fake Tacos