War Charge | en

The year is 1999 and while the world is obsessing about the upcoming new millenium, three boys decide to give a big middle finger to all the confusion. They unite their unique individual lack of musical abilities and start cranking out the most primal of tunes. Almost immediatly people in their hometown Eindhoven picked up on their fresh and fun style and sound, and the boys were asked to bring some fun into many a barbeque party. In December '99 the band released their debut 7" I've Got A Feeling on their own label Roulette's Records. The press about this...
Three piece outfit from the deep woods of Sweden that will always do what the hell they please. Featuring members from: Nekrokült, Domination, Decapitate, (ex-) Vomitory and Gehennah. Turbocharged was formed back in March 2000 as a trio during a few drunken binges at the local hangout. The idea took shape in a bar but soon moved to a cellar nearby to complete the mayhem. Two months later the first demo was recorded but never released officially. As the years went by the band added members, replaced members and kicked out members and from the original trio the band had...
fast paced, raw brutal d-beat from texas. features members of severed head of state and world burns to death. kegcharge SHOULD record and tour all the time, but they're really only a coincidence when both bands tour simultaneously. their only release to date, "sadistic war glory" was highly controversial upon its release among the crust punk / d-beat community due to the nature of its cover art. the cover, a collage of icons representing the worst of humanity, prominantly features fascist imagery purely for shock value. .