ambient noise | ru

Ambient Noise is a subgenre involving the construction of "noisescapes", that is, soundscapes created out of walls of extreme noise. Closely related to noise music and power electronics, this anti-music may not strike the uninitiated listener as being very close to ambient music. To those more familiar with noise, these works have a distinct ambient quality that distinguishes them from the harsh noise of Merzbow or Whitehouse. An example would be the distorted low-frequency/high-volume sonics of Daniel Menche, which are evocative of the cthonic sounds of a subway tunnel, an underground boiler-room in a factory, or the afterburner of a jet engine. Other examples of Ambient Noise would be works by Aube, Arcane Device, some work by NON, and some of PGR's collaborations with noise artists like Merzbow. .