Danjel Esperanza | ru

There are six Esperanzas being referred to on this page. 1. La Esperanza (the name is Spanish for "the hope") Mixing flamenco-styled guitars with contemporary dance rhythms, La Esperanza was led by songwriter, producer and session ace Carlos Villaloba, who assembled guitarist Andre Barboza, keyboardist Randy Wheeler and drummer Danny Cruces to record the group's self-titled 1998 debut LP. Esperanza II appeared three years later. 2. Esperanza was a hardcore punk band from the Los Angeles area between 2001 and 2002. Their sound bears the influenced of bands like the Faith, Articles of Faith and No for an Answer (one...
«Esperanza» по-испански означает надежда, и, возможно, это самое подходящее имя, которое могли дать при рождении Эсперансе Сполдинг (Esperanza Spalding) – контрабасисту, вокалисту и композитору. Благословленная талантом исполнителя и великолепным вокалом, 23-х летнее дарование безусловно внесет вклад в будущее джаза и инструментальной музыки. Вот что пишет Seattle Times об Эсперансе: «Она – неотразимая исполнительница. Она одновременно совмещает игру на контрабасе и пение, а исполнение музыки она превращает в своего рода интерпретирующий танец… Ее анализ того, что происходит в современном джазе, проницателен». Неотразимый. Интерпретирующий. Проницательный. Эти слова красной нитью проходят сквозь судьбу Эсперенсы. Она родилась в 1984 году в Портленде, штат Орегон....
La Esperanza is a dance act produced by Bartolomeo Colucci, Bartolomeo Colucci, Heiko Loeppke, R. Witte, Udo Niebergall, and Volker Weber. They released the single "Everybody Dance". "Esperanza, led by multi-instrumentalist Carlos Villalobos, brings together the rich heritage of Spanish/Flamenco guitar with contemporary rhythms and dance percussion. This self-titled Higher Octave Music debut is a collection of flowing, up-tempo dance tracks and lush, atmospheric ballads. Hailing from Chicago, Villalobos is a multi-talented artist, producer, songwriter and mixer who also sings, plays guitars, keyboards, drums, and bass. He is the founder of the critically acclaimed, Grammy nominated ESPERANZA, incorporating Spanish and...
Danjel Esperanza was born in Hanau in 1981. it was in 1996 at Sven Väths Lovefamily Park when he discovered for the first time a big enthusiasm for electronic music. Influenced by the sound of lovefamily park he soon had to put turntables and mixer in his flat. It didn..t take much time until he gets the feeling to mix the black gold inexhaustible in so many (countless) nights. It was in 1999 when he begins to enlarge his music equipment little by little in order to puzzle over sounds and produce some tracks. He henceforth began to live his...