Aurora Beltrán | ru

Auróra is a hungarian punk band. The biggest tradegy of the 20th century can be designated the wreck of the Titanic. As biggest lucky chance at the end of the 20th century can be designated “Aurora”, the rippin Hungarian power-punk crusier which is still sailing on the “hardcore” seas. Aurora was founded in Győr, Hungary by the young local punks “Vigi” (guitar vocals), “Galacs” (bass), “Polyak” (drums) and “Dauer” (vocals). This was in 1982, at the height of the Hungarian punk blast, a period in which a punk gig caused big agitation, occasionally by starting riots. “ We started critisizing...
Aurora Halal is a producer, video artist, and creator of Brooklyn's Mutual Dreaming party series & the Sustain-Release festival. Shadowy & psychedelic, her hardware live & DJ sets have a hazy sensuality and metallic dancefloor intensity, always pushing her compositions further into deep hypnotic states. She's spent the last years touring some of the most forward-thinking underground clubs and festivals including Unsound, Atonal, Stattbad, and more. .
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone." Andrew West - AURORA SKY Rarely does sifting through the ashes present anything pleasant, but for the creators of AURORA SKY, timing proved to be the catalyst for something great. After the dust had settled from their former career together, the founders of FEAR THE CLOWN, Andrew "Gambit" West and Chris Shy realized that their 20+ year friendship and passion for creating music together had decided to take on a new chapter. That chapter, AURORA SKY, was ignited from a phone conversation...
Основоположник необычной doom команды из Перу "El Hijo de la Aurora" (Сын зари) - Хоакин Куадра, один из её идеологов и по совместительству ударник. День рождения группы - 2 мая 2008 г. Дебютный альбом "Lemuria" вышел 22 декабря 2008 г. До этого Хоакин Куадра участвовал в проекте "Don Juan Matus", второй альбом которого, "Visiones Paganas", вышел осенью того же года. О стиле новой группы Куадра в интервью высказался так: "Я считаю, что тут всё дело в следующих группах, на нас повлиявших: Black Sabbath, Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Uriah Hepp, Deep Purple, Genesis, Pink Floyd, Captain Beyond, Hendrix и кое-что посвежее вроде...