Karamelo Santo | ru

Anthony "Romeo" Santos - американский певец, композитор, солист и лидер группы Aventura. Anthony сыграл ключевую роль в популяризации музыкального направления бачаты. Энтони родился в Бронксе, Нью-Йорк. Его отец родом из Доминиканской республики, а мать из Пуэрто-Рико. В 2011 году под псевдонимом Romeo Santos он выпустил первый сольный альбом Formula, с которого началась его сольная карьера. .
Santos Inocentes were an alternative rock band from Argentina. The group was most active during the late 90s and two years of 2000. They were generally tagged under the "sonic" rock movement of mid-decade (like Babasonicos and Juana La Loca), but featured a crunching attack of layered and textured guitars, more angular than other acts in the sub-genre. They took a reprieve in 2001. Santos Inocentes. (2006, September 29). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 05:53, November 6, 2006, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Santos_Inocentes&oldid=78574855 .
Agostinho dos Santos (Apr 25,1932 São Paulo - Jul 12, 1973 Paris) was an outstanding brazilian singer and composer, closely linked with the presentation of bossa nova to a broader international audience.Among his compositions, can be mentioned "Forças Ocultas" (with Antônio Bruno), "Sozinho Com Você" (with Dirce Morais/Heitor Canilo), "Chuva Para Molhar O Sol" (with Edison Borges), "Podem Falar" (with Renato Duarte), "Distância é Saudade," and "Quem Levou Maria," among others. Professional debut was as a crooner in Osmar Milani's orchestra. Radio: 1951, Rádio América, and, in 1955, Rádio Nacional (both from São Paulo). First record (1955): "Meu Benzinho" (Polydor)....