Celine | ru

There is more than one artist using the name Celine. 1) Okséa Lijkas, (born in France) is a singer who has released one album on M-Tronic titled Elapsed Time. 2) Celine Frewer. Singer working with Mark Norman. Known for 'Colour My Eyes' (Mark Norman pres. Celine) and 'Be With U' (Mark Norman feat. Celine). 3) Celine Solemsløkk Helgemo (born 1995.08.31) is a singer and songwriter from Gjølme, Norway. She won MGP Nordic in June 2007 with her song Bæstevænna by the age of 12. She wrote the song to her best friend Astrid. Her debut album came in November 2007...
Tranceliner are producers Carsten Wrede & Guido Speth. .
Сели́н Мари́ Клоде́т Дио́н (реже "Дьон") родилась 30 марта 1968 года в Шарлемане, Канада. Обладательница одного из наиболее узнаваемых голосов поп-сцены. Родившись в маленьком городке Шарлемань, в 30 милях к востоку от Монреаля (Квебек, Канада), Селин Мари была самой младшей из 14 детей в семье Адемара и Терез Дион. Но уже через пару десятков лет её имя стало известно почти каждому. Дух музыки царил в семье Дион всегда, с малых лет Селин оттачивала исполнительское мастерство, выступая на домашних мероприятиях, организованных её родителями. Подписав контракт с Sony Records в конце 1980-х, Дион благодаря поддержке будущего мужа и менеджера Рене Анжелила превратилась...
Celine Cairo was born in Amsterdam in 1990. She grew up in the centre of town, with her two parents and brother. When she reached the age of 3 she started singing little by little, always making noise around the house... After her parents divorced she picked up vocal lessons, later she learnt how to play the guitar. The songwriting began right at that moment. From then on she discovered all aspects of being a singer-songwriter; vocal development, entertaining on stage, fight any fears on stage, recording, practising daily and having fun while doing all that. When she was 16,...