Gino Fioravanti, Gianluigi Toso | ru

Gino Robair is a percussionist, music journalist, and published composer living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Gino frequently tours North America and Europe as a soloist and often improvises in ad-hoc groups. He has performed and/or recorded with Anthony Braxton, Tom Waits, John Butcher, LaDonna Smith, Otomo Yoshihide, Eugene Chadbourne, John Zorn, Nina Hagen, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Myra Melford, ROVA Saxophone Quartet, The Club Foot Orchestra, and he is a founding member of the Splatter Trio. Gino has studied percussion with Ron George, AMM percussionist Eddie Prevost, William Kraft, and William Winant; studied composition with Barney Childs,...
Джино Беки (итал. Gino Bechi; 1913, Флоренция — 1993) — итальянский певец (баритон). Родился во Флоренции, там же учился вокалу. Своим единственным педагогом называл Рауля Фрацци. Дебютировал 17 декабря 1936 года в партии Жоржа Жермона («Травиата» Верди) во флорентийском театре «Томмазо Сальвини». Выступал на крупнейших оперных сценах Италии, а также во многих городах мира — в Лиссабоне, Александрии, Каире, Берлине и других. В 1940 году дебютировал в Ла Скала в опере Верди «Сила судьбы». На сцене этого театра Беки выступал также в «Набукко», «Риголетто», «Отелло», «Трубадуре». Дискография Беки сравнительно невелика. Среди лучших записей «Сельская честь» Пьетро Масканьи (1940, с Л....
Regino Sainz de la Maza y Ruiz (Burgos, September 7, 1896 - Madrid, November 26, 1981) was a Spanish classical guitarist. .
Band of former Barclay James Harvest member Woolly Wolstenholme. Specialising in melodic rock with classical influences. Weird and wonderful: Woolly was sadly found dead at his home on 13th December 2010. .
From wikipedia - "Gianluigi Trovesi (born 1944) is an Italian jazz saxophonist, clarinetist and composer. A native of Nembro, a small town near Bergamo, Lombardy, he studied harmony and counterpoint under Vittorio Fellegara. Since then he has been a major player in the Italian and European (free) jazz scene. He also teaches clarinet and saxophone in Italy. He has won various Italian jazz awards. In 1978 Trovesi won the first prize in the Italian jazz competition for saxophone and clarinet, landing a permanent job in the Milan Radio Big band (until 1993). After a concert in Bergamo with Giorgio...
Найдено 83 песни, продолжительность: 12:53:23
La Decontrazione Muscolare
L'Immagine Dell'Albero Della Vita
Vital Fluid
La Percezione Del Respiro
Endless Connections
Primitive Memories
Primitive Memories