Этим шведским парням исключительно повезло: их дебютный альбом "New Views" согласился украсить своим присутствием маститый барабанщик Пьер Мерлан, лидер легендарной кентерберийской формации Gong. Так что изысканными перкусионными подкладками, звучанием колокольчиков, треугольника и маримбы пластинка обязана исключительно ему. А вот со временем ребятам из Tribute повезло значительно меньше: стартовать в середине 1980-х с мощным интеллектуальным, да к тому же всецело инструментальным творением - ну разве не безумие? Тем не менее, благородные скандинавские доны отважились на столь рисковую затею. И на мировом арт-роковом небосклоне воссияла еще одна яркая звездочка. "New Views" без всякого преувеличения можно назвать симфо-проговым шедевром эпохи восьмидесятых, который, в...
Bio: Retribution Gospel Choir plays loud and sings in key. Live, two minute pop songs run into psychedelic improvisations and drum-n-bass-heavy dub. People sometimes think the band is too loud or that they should take turns soloing, but generally, people are pleasantly surprised. Members Alan Sparhawk and Steve Garrington are also in the band Low. The band has released two tour EPs, but they're sold out. Their full-length debut was released on Caldo Verde Records and their new album, 2, will be released January 26, 2010 on Sub Pop Records. The band is also touring the stinkin' world. Member Since:...
Post-Punk band from Wakefield in West Yorkshire, England, UK. They released 4 singles between 1979 and 1981, three of which on Red Rhino Records. The track "TV ME" appeared on the 1980 compilation "Hicks From The Sticks". .
Aida Nadeem was born in Baghdad, Iraq in 1965; she grew up in the downtown section of the lively Middle Eastern metropolis. Her childhood and adolescence were colored by cultural diversity and she grew up in the midst of an inspiring and progressive political milieu. Already in her early childhood, Aida started to unfurl her musical and creative talents as a singer, a dancer and a poet. When she was twelve years old, Aida became very interested in classical music. At that time, she began her studies at the prestigious academy for music and ballet in Baghdad, which happened to...