Naim | ru

Yael Naim – израильско-французская исполнительница песен собственного сочинения. Певица получила мировую известность в 2008 благодаря тому, что ее песню «New Soul» компания «Apple» использовала для презентации ноутбука MacBook Air. Успех композиции сделал Yael Naim первой израильской певицей, занявшей высшие места в музыкальных чартах США. История Yael Naim родилась в Париже 6-го февраля 1978 года. В возрасте 4 лет она вместе с родителями переехала в Израиль в город Рамат-ха-Шарон, где получила консерваторское образование. Свою музыкальную карьеру Yael Naim начала в Армии обороны Израиля в качестве солистки Оркестра ВВС Израиля. В Тель-Авиве ей очень помогал Wynton Marsalis, распознавший талант девушки и приглашавший...
from ontario canada previously released own recordings of banjo and oldtime music with the banjo special,arnie naiman and chris coole,and with wife kathy currently playing with the albermarle ramblers .
Naimi is Kristin Eklund who plays alot of instruments and makes heartcrossing guitarpop. Sometimes it is sad and beutiful piano/organ-music. Sometimes it is extremly melodic and fantastic nintendo/circus-music. The nearest Swedish comparison is Hello Saferide, especially with personal lyrics and frantic guitar strumming. .
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Cut Naima Gani better known as Naima, is a Pop and Jazz female singer from Aceh, Indonesia. Her first album, "Cinta Naima" was released at Hard Rock Cafe on 2008. On the album she released a song "Keraguan" once popularized by Dian Pramana Poetra. With Ryza Lavoise she also re-releasing the single "Mungkinkah" ever performed by Stinky., 2) A Spanish jazz trio, Personnel: Enrique Ruiz: piano, synths; Luis Torregrosa: drums; Rafael Ramos Sania: double bass. Latest album 'Bye' from 2016. .
Kathy Reid-Naiman is a full time children's performer, and a member of Mariposa in the Schools, an organization dedicated to bringing quality musical experiences to school children in Ontario. She is also a member of the Children's Music Network. Her children's recordings; Tickles & Tunes, More Tickles & Tunes, Say Hello to the Morning, A Smooth Road to London Town, On My Way to Dreamland and Reaching For the Stars! have become very popular with pre-school teachers and families with toddler's & young children. She has been teaching classes for young children 6 months to 6 years old and their...