Tobias Bernstrup (born 1970 in Gothenburg, Sweden) is a contemporary artist working with videos, interactive works, live performances and electronic music. He received an MFA from Royal College University of Fine Arts Stockholm in 1998, where he also met up with artist colleague Palle Torsson. .
DAS BIDI BOP POPENSEMBLE ist eine deutschsprachige Pop/Rock-Band aus dem Kreis Limburg-Weilburg in Hessen und wurde schon mit allen möglichen Bands verglichen. Von der MÜNCHNER FREIHEIT über PETER MAFFAY zu SPORTFREUNDE STILLER und DIE ÄRZTE. Was haben all diese Bands gemeinsam? Nichts, außer dass sie deutsch singen. Das zeigt, dass sich DAS BIDI BOP POPENSEMBLE seine eigene kleine Nische geschaffen hat. Sie sind keine billige Kopie ihrer Helden, denn die eigentlichen Helden von Songschreiber und Texter BIDI BOP sind Leute wie GARY MOORE oder BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN und das hört man den Songs nun wirklich nicht an. Natürlich hat das BIDI...
Toby's first forays into production began around the heady rave days of the late eighties early nineties. Everything before this had been digested in his Gullliver and taken on some kind of influence or another, from hearing his first ever remix at 13... of Bros believe it or not, to listening to New Order's Substance on constant rotation on his Sony Walkman, to his dad's constant insistence on playing Sky or Stevie Wonder in the family car, buying his first electric guitar when he was 13, his mum buying him Crucial Electro one for christmas of 83 and the subsequent...
Tobias Hume (1569?-1645) was an English composer, viol player, and soldier. Little is known of his life. Some have suggested that he was born in 1569 because he was admitted to the London Charterhouse in 1629, a prerequisite to which was being at least sixty years old, though there is no certainty over this. He had made his living as a professional soldier, probably as a mercenary. He was an officer with the Swedish and Russian armies. His published music includes pieces for viols (including many solo works for the lyra viol) and songs. They were gathered in two collections,...