Pirate Robot Midget♫2012 Vir | ru

There are two artists/bands named Pirate: 1) PiRATE is a hip-hop/beats producer from Tampa, Florida. Get his EP for free at: http://piratebeats.bandcamp.com/album/mathamphetamine 2) Pirate-SYDNEY-Prog-rock giants Pirate formed in 2007 in Sydney. Check out the official Pirate page here: Pirate was created in 2007, from Israel. Their music is very varied, effects of world music, rock, Metal, Latin, electronic and more... with the emphasis on "rock-pirate". line up: nadir, drums and vocal, and some guest artists. By the way, if you think that he getting out from the rhythm in certain parts, then this says that you knowledge in music is...
Crobot is: Brandon Yeagley - Vocals, Harp Bishop - Guitar, Vocals Jake Figueroa - Bass Paul Figueroa - Percussion The sounds of dirt pouring out of old souls that were sold for the sake of rock n' roll. Space rock n' roll. Whatever it is, you can't help but to feel your ears being dipped in nostalgia then taken to another dimension and back again with the songs of Crobot. A quartet from central Pennsylvania, conjure up sonic ghosts and stories that seemingly were interpreted from crop circles. For fans of Clutch, Wolfmother, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Rage Against the...
Béatrice Martin, более известная под псевдонимом Cœur de pirate, родилась в Квебеке 22 сентября 1989 г. Основное влияние на музыкальную карьеру Cœur de pirate оказала её мать, профессиональный музыкант на пианино. После небольшого периода игры в Bonjour Brumaire на клавишах, в 2007 году родился этот проект, а первый альбом Coeur de pirate вышел осенью 2008 и был номинирован как Лучший франкофонный альбом года (Francophone Album of the Year) на 2009 Juno Awards (победила Ariane Moffatt). В 2009 году общественности стало известно, что Беатрис, будучи подростком, снималась в обнаженном виде для ресурса эротической направленности GodsGirls, несмотря на то, что артистка выкупила...
Robots consists of the artist Takuya Asanuma. Former guitarist of Judy and Mary, he started his own solo project making poppy rock songs. He later dropped the name and simply went under his own name. .
Найдено 1 песни, продолжительность: 06:43
It's My Beat Now! (Dyno Remix) 192