04 Abysmal Grief | ru

Ребята из немецкого города Кёльн основали Days In Grief в сентябре 2001 года. После трёх месяцев написания песен и репетиций, они провели выходные в маленькой студии неподалёку от Кёльна, чтобы записать свою первую демо запись, включившую песни "rust", "together", "autumn", "god curb america" и "without you". В феврале 2002 были записаны ещё 4 трэка ("wait", "how long", "falling gauntlet" и "the abstract feeling of being lost"). Все эти песни составили альбом "lessons from the past". Послушав его, я понял: Days in Grief - моя любимая группа, играющая emocore! Правда, до того момента я не слушал эмокор вообще, но могу сказать...
French band The Grief has not been totally forgotten, as compilation CDs of archive material were recently released, but they certainly miss the recognition they deserve. Contrary to many industrial bands whose music turned more accessible if not commercial, The Grief belongs to the category of artists who followed the opposite way. Beginning with tapes of dark synth-pop, their music developped in both danceable and more experimental music. The best example of that double orientation is the brilliant boxset "Huis Clos", a double vinyl that has never been rereleased on CD – the master tapes were accidentally erased. Sites: http://the.grief.free.fr/...
Line up: †Regen Graves: guitars, synths †Labes C. Necrothytus: vocals, keyboards †Lord Alastair: bass †Lord of Fog: drums Discography: 1998 - Funereal (demo) 1999 - Mors te Audit (demo) 2000 - Exsequia Occulta (single) 2002 - Hearse, (single) 2004 - Abysmal Grief / Tony Tears (split) 2006 - Mors Eleison (EP) 2007 - Abysmal Grief 2009 - The Samhain Feast 2009 - Denial of God / Abysmal Grief (split) 2009 - Misfortune 2011 - Foetor Funereus Mortuorum (EP) 2012 - Celebrate What They Fear (single) 2014 - We Lead The Procession 2013 - Feretri .
Griefloss - это Post-Black Metal / Shoegaze группа из Вашингтона и Северной Вирджинии. Состав: Блэйд Ронец - экстрим-вокал, бас Бен Полсон - гитара, чистый вокал Орион Лопес - гитара Блейн Миснер - барабаны .
OMINOUS GRIEF Web Site OMINOUS GRIEF Myspace Page Ominous Grief began releasing the songs by Kastenfaal Music Publishing and the first 11 is compiled in their DEBUT album, "Nothing in Remembrance". Guun Evren - Bass Guitar & Vocals Cuneyt Caglayan - Guitar Ilke Ulas Kuvanc - Guitar Caglar Yurut - Drums Discography Black Aeon Dominion Demo, 1998 Reborn into the Night EP, 1999 Nothing in Remembrance Full-length, 2007, C&P, Kastenfaal .
Найдено 8 песни, продолжительность: 48:29
04-Requies Aeterna
04-Child Of Darkness
04. Requies Aeterna.
04-The Arrival Of The Worm
04. Brides of the Goat.