Andrea Berg | ru

Active:1989 to 2002; 2009. LINDBERG is a prolific Japanese pop rock band that released many albums (35 singles, 15 albums, and 12 best-of and singles collections) and videos (including movies and making-of featurettes) over its 15-year career. LINDBERG typically appealed to the junior high to early high school crowd, and was unique in that in the time of its inception in 1989, few Japanese "rock" bands had female members, much less a female lead singer. The band retired in 2002 following the marriage of the lead singer, Watase Maki, to the lead guitarist Hirakawa Tatsuya; rounding out the band were...
Creating music is a passion that grows ever stronger, day after day and I hope I never lose but to improve it even more. .
Итальянский оперный певец Андреа Бочелли родился в 1958 году в Ладжатико в провинции Тоскана. Несмотря на слепоту, он стал одним из наиболее запоминающихся голосов современный оперы и поп-музыки. Бочелли одинаково хорошо удается и исполнение классического репертуара, и поп-баллад. Он записал дуэты с Celine Dion, Sarah Brightman, Eros Ramazzotti и Al Jarreau. Последний певший с ним ''The Night Of Proms'' в ноябре 1995, сказал про Бочелли ''Я имел честь петь с самым красивым голосом в мире''. Андреа Бочелли вырос на ферме в небольшой деревне Ладжатико. В 6 лет начал учиться играть на фортепиано, а позже освоил флейту и саксофон. Страдая недостаточным...
Soundtrack from the german Big Brother (2001). .
R.I.P. Mausberg (1979 - 2000), real name Johnny Burns, was a rapper from Compton, California who was discovered by hometown legend DJ Quik. He was known as an affiliate of the Campanella Park Blood gang, located in Compton. He appeared on some of Quik's earlier work, many remember him for his appearance on the single "Down, Down, Down" from the album Rhythm-al-ism in 1998. He teamed up with DJ Quik, Suga Free and many other West Coast artists to record a compilation called The Konnectid Project in 1999. He made several guest appearances, most notably on Snoop Dogg's No Limit...