The Choir of the Dormition Church of the Novodevichy Convent | ru

Something of a family project, the Boys Air Choir is built around the vocal talents of brothers Connor, Edward and Patrick Burrowes, augmented by young singers recruited from various British school and church choirs. The group was founded in 1996 following Connor's stellar career as a treble soloist with the St. Paul's Cathedral Choir in London. They went on to produce half a dozen beautiful albums, beginning with "Requiem" in 1997. Whether the ensemble will survive the changing of all the young Burrowes voices seems doubtful -- but in any case, they have left a body of recorded work that...
There have been two bands known as The Choir: 1) The Choir were a rock band in the mid-1960s from Cleveland Ohio, best known for the oft-covered song "It's Cold Outside". With the addition of singer Eric Carmen, they became The Raspberries in 1970. The band consisted of Dann Klawon on rhythm guitar, Dave Smalley on vocals & rhythm guitar, Wally Bryson on vocals, lead guitar, & bass, and Jim Bonfanti on vocals & drums. 2) The Choir (originally The Youth Choir) is an atmospheric alternative Christian rock band, led by Derri Daugherty on guitar and vocals, Steve Hindalong on...
Венский хор мальчиков (нем. Wiener Sängerknaben) — австрийский хоровой коллектив, базирующийся в Вене. Хор возводит свою историю к указу императора Священной Римской империи Максимилиана I, который 30 июня 1498 г., в связи с переездом императорского двора из Инсбрука в Вену, распорядился нанять, наряду с другими музыкантами, шестерых юных певчих для придворных богослужений и концертов; первым руководителем придворной капеллы стал священник Георг Златконя. На протяжении более 400 лет небольшой хор мальчиков существовал в составе придворной капеллы; некоторые из певчих стали в дальнейшем заметными музыкантами — прежде всего, композиторы Якобус Галлус, Франц Шуберт и Карл Целлер, дирижёры Ганс Рихтер и Феликс Мотль....
The Boys Choir of Harlem (also known as the Harlem Boys Choir) was a choir located in Harlem, New York City, United States. Its last performance was in 2007 and the group folded shortly thereafter due to several controversies, a large budget deficit, and the death of its founder. .
This is the name of two artists. One (pictured) is the more recent band to have The Churchills name. A modern American alternative group, their music - namely the song 'Everybody Gets What They Deserve' - has been featured prominently in Bill Lawrence's TV shows Spin City and Scrubs. . The other is an absolutely amazing psychedelic rock band from 1968... The eponymous 1968 album by Israel's Churchills is one of the most sought-after records in the world. While some rare records go for hundreds of dollars, an original copy of The Churchills is likely to fetch thousands. Why? Because...
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