Osom | ru

Rhibosome are a three piece percussive/groove group, who hail from Perth Western Australia. Comprising of a drummer,percussionist and mixer, the three members alternate through each instrument creating a constant groove. Using a variety of samples, these guys sure know how to fire up the crowd into a dancing frenzy, and bring them down to a slow groove without any issue. Dub,dancehall,swing,electro beat and percussion are all trade mark sounds you will hear on this, there one and only,album. Although the band appears to be on a permanent hiatis,two of the members have formed a similar group that goes by the...
OSOM - это совместный проект двух известных российских псайтранс продюсеров Kindzadza и Psykovsky. .
Проект Chromosomos организован в 1999 барабанщиком Артуром Домиником, ранее игравшем в различных альтернативных, рок и джаз проектах, а так же сотрудничевшим с множеством фолк коллективов, с музыкантами африканского, еврейского и балканского происхождения. Опыт долгих лет сотрудничества с музыкантами разных культур, и разных стилей помог команде создать их собственное музыкальное пространство с использованием самых интересных форм выражения. Это очень приятная и ненавязчивая смесь джаза, этники, джангла и местами прог-рока. Chromosomos создают своё уникальное звучание комбинируя музыкальное разнообразие европейских и ближневосточных культур с современными тенденциями в инструментальной клубной музыке, приправляя их характерным оригинальным джазовым ароматом. Чувствуется сильное влияние электронной музыки на ритм-секцию,...
1) Andy Nilsson (..78) & Linus Eriksson (..82) from Sweden is the companions behind the continuing project Chromosome, lived previously in Metropols like Amsterdam, Barcelona, the Balearic Islands and in modern days in a villa at the Portuguese Riviera. Education and background: Schooled Musicians and Sound Technicians, conducting choirs at age 7, bought first synth at 8 and father of Anders released 13 albums as violinist and inspired Chromosome to pursuit own career. At 18 while working with musicals and doing sound engineering for live bands like Latin Kings, they discovered the mystical magical dimension of trance, and love as...
There are several artists with this name: 1) From the depths of Salinas California the Thrash Metal band PSYCHOSOMATIC was twisted into form in 1988. Spewing forth chaotic blasts of skate rock from blaring amplification, Psychosomatic has carved their trench in the thrash metal world and has continued to build momentum leaving blistered ear drums in their wake. First off was the “and now you’ve had it demo” in 1990 that opened the eyes of Thrasher Magazine’s Skate Rock vol. 9 in 1990. After several short-run releases and line up changes the band moved to Sacramento, Ca. in 1998 and...
Найдено 182 песни, продолжительность: 02:58:21
Osom - Over Game
OSOM (K$upreme x Lil Xelly )
Question Of Fa
Over Game
Boa Noite
Night Flirt
Indigo Child
Shelest Plashey
Acid Tonic
(*) _ (*)
Ride On Fire
Boa Noite (Sacred Tree)
Activate Drivers
Ride On Fire
Activate Drivers
Ride on Fire
Acid Tonic
Singular Nagar (Kindzadza - Insoluble/Osom Music)
Night Flirt
Rubber Man
Shadi Se Pehle
Без названия
Berg Sturz
Bilkul Ajnabii Hai
Acid Tonik
Без названия
Question of Fa